Epdm Heavy Rubber Barrier

Epdm Heavy Rubber Barrier

Product Description
Epdm Heavy Rubber Barrier : Turkish Aksutik Epdm based heavy rubber sound insulation barriers are a professional sound insulation product and have high sound absorption (providing sound transmission loss) values. Rubber barriers are designed to prevent the transmission of sound from one environment to another with its vibration-absorbing special flexible structure for high density and high sound cutting performance. The rubber barrier is mounted inside the plasterboard ceiling and wall cladding to provide sound insulation and insulation. Turkish Acoustic Heavy Sound Barrier , Sound Absorbing Insulation Barriers Membrane EPDM heavy rubber barriers used in noise control insulation / sound insulation provide excellent sound transmission loss. Acoustic sound barriers used in ceiling, wall and floor sound insulation are sold in thicknesses of 1.7 mm to 3 mm and with a density of 3.5 kg to 5 kg / m³.

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