Rubber Roll Mattress

Rubber Roll Mattress

Product Description
Rubber Roll Mattress : In all sound insulations, floor and floor under/between parquet, under screed, heel sound and impact noise and vibration-absorbing mattresses, floor sound insulation materials Sbr granule (rubber particle) rubber mattresses provide good sound insulation in floor sound insulation applications, as well as providing resistance to overload of the floor. Rubber mattress roll developed Rubber mattress E48 and Rubber granule BA for different purposes. Rubber mattress roll sheets compressibility is very low in areas with a load of 30 and 50 KN/m2 (1.0 and 2.0 mm, respectively), moreover, rubber mattresses impact-induced soundproofing felts almost return to their original thickness. Rubber roller mattresses and rubber granule BA have considerable durability under large dynamic and static loads.
Product Images
Application Gallery
Cork Roll Mattress
Cork Rubber Mattress
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