Tecsound ®

Tecsound ®

Product Description
Tecsound Acoustic Membrane : It is a high-density, high-viscosity, synthetic sound insulation membrane that provides excellent sound insulation in traditional buildings and does not affect the thickness much. It is highly flexible and easily expandable, meaning it can be adapted to any shape or surface and easily copes with complex joints and layouts. TECSOUND® stands out for its fire resistance and meets the Euroclass standard UNE-EN 13501-1:2007 with an outstanding rating: Euroclass B, s2, d0. In other words, it does not spread flames, self-extinguishing, does not fall and does not emit molten particles. Available in various weights to match gypsum boards, in a self-adhesive format or in combination with absorbent felt, TECSOUND® offers solutions for any building system as well as for its application in the industrial field. (does not produce toxic gas and fumes). Our products are certified.
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