Acoustic Special Foam

Acoustic Special Foam

Product Description
Acoustic Special Sponge : The special barrier sponge model, which takes its place among the specially produced sponge types, has a flexible and easily applicable structure. The raw material of Acoustic Special pyramid sponge is fireproof firex polyurethane foam. It is one of the acoustic sponge types. It is used on ceilings and walls in places where sound problems such as reverberation occur, in order to hear the sounds in a quality way without being affected by these problems. Among the acoustic special sponge types, you can easily choose the special barrier sponge model as an insulation material where you can get rid of disturbing noises with its sound absorbing feature.

Product Images
Application Gallery
Sticky Special Sponge
Colorful Special Sponge
Barriered Special Sponge
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