Acoustic Pyramid Foam

Acoustic Pyramid Foam

Product Description
Acoustic Pyramid Sponge : Acoustic pyramid Sponge is an acoustic product applied to the ceiling or walls to increase the acoustics in the space. Acoustic Sponge is a sponge that can be applied together with sound absorbing materials and plays an important role in solving problems. Acoustic pyramid Sponge pyramid Sponge acoustic sponges are known as spikes with pyramid-shaped ends. Acoustic values Different from other egg vias and labyrinth sponges. Pyramid Sponge is often used in studios, music rooms and rehearsal recording rooms and entertainment venues. It can be used in fireproof acoustic sponge or decorative colored white products in order to eliminate acoustic sound insulation, echo insulation, sound problems and obtain maximum acoustic performance from the environment. Certificates with certificates are available on our website.

Product Images
Application Gallery
Sticky Pryamid Sponge
Colorful Pryamid Sponge
Barriered Pryamid Sponge
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