Acoustic Bondex Foam

Acoustic Bondex Foam

Product Description
Acoustic Bondex Faom : In disco bars, music room soundproofing, hotel room soundproofing, wedding hall soundproofing etc. It is a product that you can choose in places with high noise. Due to their closed pores, their thermal conductivity coefficient is very low. The material construction, which can be produced between 110-250 dns (density), is used as bumper and wedge material in the studio, engine room, boat and yacht group, automotive industry, and wrestling mat in the sports equipment industry at various points. It is made of shredded foam offcuts.

Turkish Bondex Foam vibration insulation is perfectly suitable as a subfloor to dampen vibrations. Acoustic Bondex Foam is available in five thicknesses. The variant with a thickness of 1 cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm has an optimal density and thickness to be used underneath parquet and laminate. The 3 cm thick Turkishbondex variant is extremely suitable for the construction of a floating floor in a sound studio, underneath a washing machine, drum kit or other source of vibration. – Vibration insulation – Based on recycled polyurethane foams – Very consistent composition – Noise Control
Product Images
Application Gallery
Roll Bondex Sponge
Barrier Bondex Sponge
Adhesive Bondex Sponge
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